Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fun times in 명동 and The Korean Symphony Orchestra~!

We’re in our final days here in motherland. As AMAZING as this trip was, I do admit that I’m ready to get back. My e-mails have been piling up and I’ve been thinking about school and getting back to reality…although I’m proud to say that I’ve been doing NO work related STUFF while in motherland! I also miss the conveniences of American life that I’ve taken for granted…ie, a comfortable BED! However, I will miss a lot of motherland, especially the food :)

Monday, we started out as the entire Han clan, but quickly had to go our separate ways when my brother got called away for an appointment. I went with him and the parents went off to shop. Later on in the evening, my brother and I decided to meet Jin and his sister to hang out a bit more because we had such a GREAT time in SurAk mountain the past weekend. Jin and his sister knew many places in MyongDong to eat and hang out and they did not disappoint! I’m so happy to have become friends with these two!

Grilled pork lettuce wrap prepared at your table!

Jin and Hye Jin at dinner!

Dessert, the world largest 팥빙수, and also AMAZING!

To give you perspective of how big this thing was...

My brother's rendition of "Don't pose, just act natural..."

After more hanging out in 명동, more food and drink!

Nothing goes better than Korean fried chicken...this is the most amazing fried chicken, EVER! Can't describe it, but NOTHING like the US fried chicken at an amazing chicken place in 명동!

Good times...

Tuesday morning, my brother Ji went back to the US. I think I have officially become a girl because I choked up a bit saying goodbye to my brother. I’ve cried way too much on this trip! It was such a great time reconnecting with him and hanging out.

Most of the afternoon was spent more shopping and visiting with my mother’s childhood friend one last time. Then, it was time for THE KOREAN NATIONAL SYMPHONY!

mom and her friend

mom's friend's daughter, Jihee

Korean ladies carry around sun umbrella to keep stay cool

The symphony performed at the Seoul Arts Center (예술이전당). This arts center is a lot like the Lincoln Center in NY. It houses an opera house, concert hall, theatre, and couple of recital halls. I was SO proud of KOREA for having built such a beautiful facility, I was in AWE! UNFORTUNATELY, the orchestra performance was very mediocre...Here’s the review:

The orchestra, conducted by Hee-Chuhn Choi started with the Mozart Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Major with soloist Nam-Yun Kim. I thought about my friend Karel Butz throughout the entire performance because I remembered him performing this concerto amazingly well at one of his recitals at IU. Hee-Chuhn Choi has had an amazing career and seems to be very well respected in Korea so I was excited to hear her. However, from the first note she started to the very last, she struggle A LOT with her intonation. I realize that intonation is always the easiest (and at times the most lame) criticism to make, and I don’t like picking on this topic when reviewing a concert, but her struggle was so noticeable I could not look past it. Very unfortunate because I wanted to love the performance very much. In addition to her intonation struggles, the performance was very also very uninspired, unmusical, and in short, very BLAH. I would’ve MUCH rather hear Karel perform this again…sorry Ms. Choi. Nonetheless, she received FIVE curtain calls and couple of “Bravo!” from the audience...

After the intermission the orchestra performed Shostakovich Symphony No. 8. The orchestra performed it well, however, my mother put it best when she said: “It seems like they lack passion in their playing”. I too felt this way about their performance. Technically they were clean with very few slips, but I wished it was more organically soulful and more ANGST, and……you know what, I don’t like writing negative reviews so I think I’ll stop here. Bottom line, the entire performance was disappointing. Mom kept falling asleep and asked if we could leave early, so we left after the 2nd movement. It was still awesome to see the Seoul Arts Center and hope to be back to see more performance in the future!

Tomorrow is the last day in motherland!!

Outside the Seoul Arts Center

More of the arts center

Chilling out before the concert

Opera House (I think...) at Seoul Arts Center

Inside the concert hall

Beautiful concert hall

The CRAZIEST thing! I knew the concertmaster! He went to IU while I was doing my undergrad and he served as the concertmaster for IU Philharmonic. During the intermission, I ran backstage to see if it was to say hi...he and I never knew each other so the meeting was somewhat awkward...almost as awkward as this picture, but it was still great to see an IU Alum in Korea!

My discrete picture of Korea Symphony performing...heehee

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The hills are alive~ With the Sound of KOREA~!

Friday began with the continued Korea Food Fest in MyungDong (명동), at an AMAZING chicken place called Young-Yang Center (영양센타). This place specializes in rotisserie chicken and chicken stew. This is the BEST rotisserie chicken that I have ever had…WOW. The chicken was moist, tender, fresh, and juicy. But the best part was actually the skin – crispy, crunchy, buttery (but I don’t think they used any butter), after the crunch, it just MELTS! We’re going back Wednesday as our last meal.

The rotisserie chicken mentioned above...moist, juicy, with AMAZING crunchy skin!

Mother's lunch, Korean Chicken soup (삼개탕)...amazing!

Friday night we went to stay with another one of my mother’s childhood best friend's family, the Choi family (I subsequently ended up calling her as my aunt as well). This aunt and her family was one of coolest and the most generous people that I have ever met. First, they rent for us a private luxurious apartment to stay overnight. This was one of the most beautiful and luxurious condo that I had ever stayed in and I got to sleep on a BED (as opposed to sleeping on a floor, a Korean custom, will explain in a later blog) and in a room all by myself! I was extremely sorry that I did not take any pictures of this place, I think I was so excited about the bed to think about anything else.

Dinner with the Choi's, featuring Korean eel BarBQ! Never had it, but was AMAZING!

eel being BarBQ'd...

Many ways to eat the BarBQ eel...you can eat it by itself, or wrapped in kimchi like the picture above...

eel lettuce wrap with Korean hot paste, garlic, ginger

Good times with the Choi's!

The next morning, our family and the Choi’s left for SurAk Mountain (설악), located in Korea’s Eastern shore GongWonDo (강원도), it is one of the top national parks in Korea. Because we had to take 2 cars, I ended up spending most of my time bonding with the Choi’s son GookJin (국진…I just called him Jin). Jin was an awesome guy who taught me a lot about Korean pop music and we talked a lot about cultural differences between Korea and America.

Driving to SurAk Mountain...

Observatory in SurAk Mountain...

Taking the sky lift to the highest point in SurAk Mountain


Jin and I hiking up the rest of the way to the top of SurAk Mountain

If you follow our finger, you see a TINY Korean flag marking the highest point in SurAk Mountain...Jin and I decided to climb up to the top!

Success! We made it!!

View on top of SurAk mountain

Climbing down the mountain...ok, fake picture, we did trick few people :)

There is a huge Buddhist temple on top of SurAk Mountain...this is a statue that was next to the temple. This statue was HUGE! Look at the people to the left for size perspective!

Shopping for fresh caught seafood for dinner!

Picking out our dinner...first you purchase the fresh, LIVE, seafood...

Then the ladies in the back cut the seafood and prepare the Sashimi (raw fish) for you to eat! Then...

Then you take the tray of Sashimi to the restaurant upstairs. The restaurant takes the bones and unused parts of the fish and prepare a hot fish soup for you to have with the sashimi

Tray of Sashimi...

Delicious Sea Urchin ... don't be grossed out, it's a delicacy!

Night life at the hotel began with midnight ping pong...only in Korea :)

Nightlife continues with good times int he arcade...

Played Indy 500 in Korea...I lost to Jin

We spent the night in an AMAZING hotel/condo that the Choi’s rented out for us in SurAk Mountain. This is one of Korea’s top hotel/condo (another night on a BED!) and it had an amazing view of the Korea’s mountains. Saturday morning we had a great breakfast and headed to visit PakDam Mountain (백담사). This was a beautiful mountain that housed another Buddhist temple at the top of the mountain. This mountain is also famous because a former Korean president was sent there to repent for his crimes (after he did some time in normal prison as well). After PakDam Mountain, we agreed to meet the Choi’s for dinner later on in the week and came back home. I was so happy to meet the Choi’s and Jin, they are amazing people and I’m looking forward to hanging out with them again!

The room in PakDam mountain where the former president stayed

Buddhist monk praying inside the temple, believers making an offering, bowing, and praying

If you can throw your coin into the dish in the middle of the pond, your wish will come true. Here is Jin making his shot!

My aunt making her shot!

People build these prayer rock piles. If you can build your pile without them falling, your prayer will come true. If they fall while your building them, you will have bad luck. If you knock off other people's pile, you will have bad luck. Higher the pile, greater the reward.

I built a pile...not a big one...afterall, I'm catholic :)

Inside the temple

Hanging out at the temple

When we came back, I met up with my cousin SungMin (승민), who wanted to take me out to dinner. He took to me an AMAZING Korean buffet, Marisco Sushi & Seafood Buffet located in DaeHakLo (대학로). After doing a lap around the buffet, I decided to eat at least ONE bite of every single entrée in this buffet…I came close :) Here are some of the pictures of my buffet food crawl…again, don’t judge me….ready, set, GO:

Salad, sushi, sashimi

Noodles and meats

Dimsum, fried rice, crab, fried potato

Cakes of every flavor, fruit juice