Thursday, June 9, 2011

More Food Crawl, don't judge me...

Although I've been getting to bed very late every night, I've been waking up REALLY early every morning...I must be still one teaching schedule.

This morning, I again decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. I LOVE witnessing a busy city come to life...people getting to work, traffic picking up, shops opening, etc. I walked around Seoul watching it come to life. Walking around, got very hungry and decided to stop at Lotteri restaurant, basically a Korean McDonald's that's open 24/7. It was only 7am, but the burger still tasted awesome...this became part of my multi movement breakfast like yesterday :)

Lotteri burger...for breakfast

Walking home from Lotteri world, saw this bakery open and come to life. Korean bakey are AMAZING. I know this is very sacrilege, but it rivals the pastries that I had in France! Honestly! Picked up some pastries to share with my uncle's family.

On my way home, I saw literally HUNDREDS an HUNDREDS of Korean geriatrics lined up outside a turns out that they were waiting line to get into the senior center for free food, check up, entertainment, etc. Koreans go ALL out to take care of their elders.

After my multi-movement breakfast, I escorted mom into the city to do some business (they own an apartment here in Korea and have some business). Afterwords, we visited mom's childhood best friend who now owns a small Korean restaurant (like a diner type of place). Mom's friend was happy to see us and treated us to lunch. The lady's restaurant was a hole in the wall, but GREAT food. Located by 연세 university, which is where my brother went to school.

This is inside the diner, but had to take this picture because if you look at the guy, he's carrying his own ping pong paddle because he just came from a ping pong lesson...only in Korea.

Mom's friend makin Kimbop...

Kimbop (rice and veggies wrapped in seaweed)

SPECIAL kimci...thi kimchi has ben aged for over a year! Definitley pungent and strong, but DELICIOUS!

Raman noodls top with AMERICAN CHEESE! I know it sounds weird, but i was amazing!

lunch, STILL continues...this i dokbugi, quintessential Korean street food...AMAZING! Even better than last night's food crawl!

Pakbingsoo (팥빙수) for dessert!

Apartment where my brother Ji lived when he was studying acting in Korea

We then ended up in a food court underneath a HUGE mall in Seoul. This was the biggest food court I have ever seen in my life! This is dumpling (만두) around a giant shrimp...delicious~!

Coffee gelato ice cream...mmmm

Another style of dumpling, this is a spicy variety. Mandoo is soft dough stuffed with meats and veggies.

Brother and I went out to meet some of his friends who are actors and producers. This is them shooting a scene in the streets of Seoul.

Brother hanging out with the producer on set

Food crawl continues...fried chicken

More shooting...


  1. The food just makes me drool! It sounds like you are having a great homeland experience!

  2. Thanks Mrs. Cox! Mom talks about you often during our visit, she says: "I think Mrs. Cox would like this food!" and she tells all of my relatives about you...she thinks it's neat that an American likes Korean food! :)

  3. Looks like you are having an awesome time!

  4. Don't forget to tell your friends/family the delicious food combo of apple and gim (sp?).
